Nesakārtots ir ilgtermiņa fotoprojekts par vides pārmaiņām un pievēršas aktuālai tēmai ar globālu nozīmi. Sērija dokumentē Antverpenes ostas zonas izplešanos Beļģijā, kura atrodas globāli konkurējošā konteineru satiksmes pozīcijā. Šajā teritorijā notiek lielas pārmaiņas – tiek paplašināta rūpniecība un realizēti arī Eiropas Savienības noteiktie dabas kompensācijas plāni, lai industriālo izaugsmi salāgotu ar ekoloģiskajām teritorijām, kā arī aizsargātu iekšzemi pret jūras līmeņa celšanos.
Sākot ar šo Beļģijas piemēru, projekts Nesakārtots atsaucas uz globālām tendencēm rūpniecībā, ekonomikā un vides pārmaiņās, cenšoties līdzsvarot šīs jomas ilgtspējīgas nākotnes vārdā.
Sērija parāda mainīgās teritorijas daudzslāņainās ainavas gan industriāli aktīvajās, gan dabas zonās, pamesto māju interjerus apdraudētajā Doelas ciemā, kā arī portretē apkārtnes jaunos iedzīvotājus, kuriem visa notiekošā dēļ nāksies emigrēt.
Projekts skar tādus jēdzienus kā progress, pārmaiņas, ekoloģija, klimata pārmaiņas, ilgtspējība, jūras līmeņa celšanās, globālā tirdzniecība, zemes vērtība, migrācija un saikne starp identitāti un apkārtni.
European law requires the construction of nature compensation areas in case of industrial expansions. In the wide area around the Belgian village Doel, a lot of new nature compensation areas have been created to compensate with the expanding harbour industry. In this image we see these two elements opposed to each other: a new nature area in front and the expanding harbour in the back of the image.
Kirsten was raised in a residential area nearby the expanding port of Antwerp. The area finds itself in major transitions by vast Industrial expansions and related nature compensation plans imposed by the European Union to balance the industrial growth and protect the hinterland against rising sea levels. She is posing here in a former agricultural area which is now being transformed into estuarine nature which will have a double function: the created nature will be an important ecological area and protect the hinterland from flooding in case of extremely high sea levels, which are being expected to be more frequent because of the rising sea levels.
In 1965 the village ‘Wilmarsdonk’, nearby the Antwerp harbour was sacrificed in favor of the creation of a new container logistic area for the Port of Antwerp expansion. Only the Gothic tower of the St. Laurentius church was preserved and finds itself today in the middle of an industrial area.
European law requires the construction of nature compensation areas in case of industrial expansions. In the wide area around the Belgian village Doel, a lot of new nature compensation areas have been created to compensate with the expanding harbour industry. In this image we see the previous agricultural area of Prosperpolder, under construction for nature compensation area. Former agricultural families have left the area and migrated for the construction of the nature area to another place.
Victor Cerpentier is an adolescent living with his parents and brother in the agricultural area around the Antwerp harbor which is endangered because of harbor expansion plans and related nature compensation areas. Their parents are working in agriculture but it is uncertain if the next generation will still be able to continue that business on that spot. Because of the European nature 2000 regulations, dealing with nature compensation in case of industrial expansion, the Antwerp expansion area is turning a lot of previous agricultural area into nature areas, which is a threat for agricultural families.
European law requires the construction of nature compensation areas in case of industrial expansions. In the wider area around the Belgian village Doel nearby the harbour of Antwerp, (temporary) nature areas have been created to compensate the expanding harbour, but you can question if fallow land with traces of a former road replies to the idea of nature.
The village of Doel, nearby the Antwerp harbour has been endangered as a living area for decades, because of large harbour expansion plans by the port of Antwerp. Because of the ongoing pressure on the villagers and uncertainty as a living environment with quality for the future, many villagers sold their houses to the The Scheldt Left Bank Corporation who is responsible for the management and land policy of the port on the left bank of the Scheldt since 1982. Once this company owns a new house, they demolish it, to prepare the space for harbour expansion plans. In this image a former house is deconstructed after being sold by former villagers of the village of Doel to this company.
Yannick is an adolescent living in the residential village called Doel, nearby the Antwerp harbor which is endangered because of harbor expansion plans.
The village of Doel, nearby the Antwerp harbour has been endangered as a living area for decades, because of large harbour expansion plans by the port of Antwerp. Because of the ongoing pressure on the villagers and uncertainty as a living environment with quality for the future, many villagers sold their houses to the The Scheldt Left Bank Corporation who is responsible for the management and land policy of the port on the left bank of the Scheldt since 1982.
The village of Doel, nearby the Antwerp harbour has been endangered as a living area for decades, because of large harbour expansion plans by the port of Antwerp. Because of the ongoing pressure on the villagers and uncertainty as a living environment with quality for the future, many villagers sold their houses to the The Scheldt Left Bank Corporation who is responsible for the management and land policy of the port on the left bank of the Scheldt since 1982. This company will demolish the houses and prepare the space for harbour expansion plans. This image was taken not long after a family left their house is in the village of Doel, after having sold their property to The Scheldt Left Bank Corporation.
Christof is one of the adolescents who grew up in the Belgian village Doel, which is threatened because of harbour expansions of the neighbouring port of Antwerp. Because of the uncertainty many villagers left their houses and moved to the surrounding area.
The Industrial expansion plans install disruption of the social fabric and people are forced to migrate.
The kitchen of an abandoned house in the village Doel. The wall shows an illustration of a forest, probably meant to give its inhabitants who used to live there a comfortable feeling. Ironically enough the construction of nature areas in this area, meant to compensate the expanding industry has forced inhabitants to leave their houses.
The village of Doel, nearby the Antwerp harbour has been endangered as a living area for decades, because of large harbour expansion plans by the port of Antwerp. Because of the ongoing pressure on the villagers and uncertainty as a living environment with quality for the future, many villagers sold their houses to the The Scheldt Left Bank Corporation who is responsible for the management and land policy of the port on the left bank of the Scheldt since 1982. This company will demolish the houses and prepare the space for harbour expansion plans. This image was taken not long after a family left their house is in the village of Doel, after having sold their property to The Scheldt Left Bank Corporation.
Interior of the abandoned boarding school Sint Cornelius in the village of Doel. Because of harbour expansion plans the former villagers have almost all left the village.
This image shows the construction site of the Deurgank Dock Lock at night time. This new lock of the port of Antwerp in Belgium is the world’s largest lock, and part of the big harbour expansions, allowing the harbour to compete on an International scale and cope with the increase of imported goods from the far east.
Izabella Patīra (Isabelle Pateer, 1980) ir beļģu fotogrāfe, kurai ir maģistra grāds tēlotājmākslā (2003, Brisele), veido personīgos fotoprojektus, kā arī pasūtījuma darbus starptautiskiem klientiem, tostarp The New York Times un Financial Times.